The Alexander Technique for Sports
The Alexander Technique is an essential skill for those participating in sports, whatever your level. Yet, few have heard of this remarkable system, or if they have, assume it's for musicians, singers and actors.
So how can a technique originally devised by an actor help athletes? More than you think!
It’s about thinking about how your body moves and then learning how to use it with less effort to achieve better results.
If you want to take your performance to new levels you will by definition have to go into the unknown – to new places you don’t yet know. If you keep doing the same things you will get the same results.
So try something different. Do something radical. Try using the Alexander Technique for sport training. Learning it can add a whole new dimension to your training as you become more aware of your body and how to use it.
What Are You Telling Your Body To Do?
Your body will do exactly what you tell it to do, but do you know exactly what you are telling your body to do? You may have developed habits of using your body in the wrong way and changed how you move - Try my coordination fitness test Learning The Alexander Technique for sport purposes will help you become aware of how your body works best – the way it worked before you may have started using unnecessary effort and allowing bad habits to take over.
After learning the Technique many people find they can move faster and more easily, and with less wear and tear. What’s more, you can make gravity work in your favour!
Although the Technique has been established for over 100 years few sports people consider learning The Alexander Technique for sport. It’s based on proven scientific knowledge and is wholly consistent with orthodox medical and physiological theory. It’s the approach that makes it different. And that’s what makes it so powerful. It addresses vital performance factors yet to be acknowledged by conventional methods.
Take A Step Back To Go Forward
Over the years we build up bad habits in the way we use and move our bodies. This can result in muscle imbalances as you use your body in a way that is inefficient (some of the exercises in my body awareness test may have shown that).
But because we’re unaware of what it is we’re doing to cause the problems, we repeat the same pattern until we end up injured or suffering from a dip in form
Unlearning bad habits can be tricky. The pain you experience has already given you the feedback that something’s wrong. With good guidance and instruction you can ‘feed forward’ new knowledge to allow your body to move naturally, without stress on its joints.
So how can a technique originally devised by an actor help athletes? More than you think!
It’s about thinking about how your body moves and then learning how to use it with less effort to achieve better results.
If you want to take your performance to new levels you will by definition have to go into the unknown – to new places you don’t yet know. If you keep doing the same things you will get the same results.
So try something different. Do something radical. Try using the Alexander Technique for sport training. Learning it can add a whole new dimension to your training as you become more aware of your body and how to use it.
What Are You Telling Your Body To Do?
Your body will do exactly what you tell it to do, but do you know exactly what you are telling your body to do? You may have developed habits of using your body in the wrong way and changed how you move - Try my coordination fitness test Learning The Alexander Technique for sport purposes will help you become aware of how your body works best – the way it worked before you may have started using unnecessary effort and allowing bad habits to take over.
After learning the Technique many people find they can move faster and more easily, and with less wear and tear. What’s more, you can make gravity work in your favour!
Although the Technique has been established for over 100 years few sports people consider learning The Alexander Technique for sport. It’s based on proven scientific knowledge and is wholly consistent with orthodox medical and physiological theory. It’s the approach that makes it different. And that’s what makes it so powerful. It addresses vital performance factors yet to be acknowledged by conventional methods.
Take A Step Back To Go Forward
Over the years we build up bad habits in the way we use and move our bodies. This can result in muscle imbalances as you use your body in a way that is inefficient (some of the exercises in my body awareness test may have shown that).
But because we’re unaware of what it is we’re doing to cause the problems, we repeat the same pattern until we end up injured or suffering from a dip in form
Unlearning bad habits can be tricky. The pain you experience has already given you the feedback that something’s wrong. With good guidance and instruction you can ‘feed forward’ new knowledge to allow your body to move naturally, without stress on its joints.